Sunday, September 22, 2013

Chemo #6…Last and Final…Hopefully Forever!

I had my final Chemo on Monday, 16 Sept.  I was so excited.  I’ve heard of people who get emotional because they will miss the staff or routine.  Not me!  I was emotional because I was so glad to put an end to this phase of hopefully getting rid of this horrible disease.  I will not be sad to never have another injection here or anywhere else.

The chair I always sit in.  It has an outlet on the wall behind it that I can plug my phone and DVD player into.

They don’t have any kind of bell to ring to mark this event so I put an app on my phone and rang away when I was done.  I wore my Super Woman shirt Natasha gave me and posed for a few shots to mark the occasion.  I felt like a super woman…I am a super woman!

Ringing the "bell" on my phone!
Super Woman pose ... I suppose.

Ray brought home a stomach flu again.  This time it was the day after my really bad day.  Last round he was sick and throwing up on my worse day which meant no help from me or from him.  I think I caught it from him this time.  I have nausea medicine to keep me from vomiting, but my stomach has taken several days to stop gurgling.

I have a sore on the roof of my mouth but it’s nothing compared to the sore I got last time under the very back right side of my tongue.  Food would get stuck back under there.  Oww and ick.  My feet are numb, my face is numb, my mouth tastes terrible, food tastes terrible, my eyes are goopy, my nose is dry and sticky, I can’t remember things I just saw or did, my teeth hurt…the usual.  Each time I just hope things will rectify.

This round has been a lot more exhausting then past rounds.  My legs have been really sore and tired.  I have to remember I need to rest.  My body is working hard to heal and it saps a lot of energy from me. 

Next step, radiation.  Bring it on!  Let’s get this done!


  1. YAY!!! Good for you - you look so cute in your super woman shirt and definitely ARE a super woman.

  2. I am so glad to be done with this portion of my treatments. I'm actually being a little too impatient to recover and I have to keep reminding myself I'm still healing. I appreciate all of the support you have always shown me.
