Monday, October 7, 2013

Things I Learned During Chemo:

These are a few things I figured out during my bout with Chemo.  Hopefully these tips will make life a little easier for someone else who may be facing the same battle I have been fighting.

-The first few days after Chemo drink LOTS and LOTS of water/fluids to help flush out the chemicals.  Then keep drinking water/fluids because you will be totally dried out from Chemo…your skin, your mouth, your nose, everything.

-Sip, don’t gulp your fluids.  Gulping doesn’t make your mouth feel any less dry but it does increase the number of bathroom visits you will have to make.

-Always carry water and/or something to suck on.  Biotene Dry Mouth Lozenges are great!  

-1 cup water + ¼ teaspoon salt + 1/8 teaspoon baking soda is my favorite mouth gargle.  It soothes your throat and helps your mouth feel less dry. (Biotene Dry Mouth Oral Rinse works well, too.)

-A baby/toddler toothbrush is super soft making it much less painful to brush your teeth when your gums are sore and swollen.

-A dry mouth toothpaste (Biotene) is much less harsh on your mouth and helps get the icky taste out of your mouth. ( Really, I'm not getting kickbacks from Biotene.  I liked their products and they worked well for me so is what it boiled down to.)

-Sippy cup,..sippy cup…sippy cup.  Use it in bed to prevent spilling from a glass.  You get small sips rather than the large gulps you would get from a mug.  You can lay it right next to you with no worry of leaking making it’s easy to grab all through the night.

This sippy cup works like a camel back.  I know it seems silly but I had no leaks and no spills while keeping hydrated all night.

-Sugared drinks made my mouth feel less dry for a longer period of time then water.  I don’t know why, but they did.

-Chemo treatment side effects have a pretty consistent timeline lasting a little longer after each treatment.

-Write the common name of medications, what they are for, and dosage on the lid and label with a permanent marker so you don’t have to read the small print on the label every time. 

For example:  Pepsid – Heartburn-1. 

-Keep your sense of humor.  People will say insensitive things without thinking.  Most of the time they aren’t sure what to say, so give them credit for at least trying.

-On the most part, people are compassionate and supportive.  Express your gratitude.  They are giving a little part of themselves to help you in your endeavor to become whole again.

You are strong enough so keep up the good fight!   

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I was actually just checking out a few of your posts and LOVED this post. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and experiences. I had a quick question about your blog and was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance -emilywalsh688 (at) Thanks : )

