Sunday, November 3, 2013

Micro Shell Forming Class

I took a 3-day micro shell forming class in Draper, UT at Melissa Muir’s studio the first weekend of October.  What a fun surprise!  I didn’t know what to expect, but since it was so close to where I live and it didn’t interfere with my radiation treatments, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.  (It also gave me a great chance to visit with my brother and his amazing family.)

Andrea Kennington and Julie Brooks taught the class and what wonderful things we learned.  I learned more about hammers in that short time then I have learned in my whole life. 



They showed us how to form on wood forming blocks, end hook stakes, and sinusoidal stakes.  Who knew such amazing shapes could be made without premade forms?  I didn’t.  I was amazed at what I could produce from a simple pattern cut out of a flat piece of metal.  

My work area.

Andrea and Julie were very clear in their instructions.  They were patient and very open to sharing their skills and knowledge.  Andrea shared valuable information about organization and mass production.  She showed us her system of putting file cards with detailed instructions along with the pattern into resealable plastic bags, all stored in a file box, so her apprentices could pull them as needed and work independently.

Andrea demonstrating.

Julie showed us some amazing enameled pieces she had produced.  They had so much detail.  She used a graphite pencil to produce some of the designs.  It had to have been sharpened to the point of a needle.  I wish I had gotten a picture of them.    

The rhythmic hammering was very soothing to me.  Hammering on the blocks and the metal hooks and stakes and using the air behind them felt almost instinctual.

Blocks and stakes.

Andrea had gone through Chemo treatment in her 20’s.  Her ability to empathize with what I was going through and give me encouragement was greatly appreciated.  I thought I understood what people were going through until I have had to go through it myself.  Having someone else that really understands because she has been through it herself is very comforting.  

This was the first piece I made.  I call it "Lily".

These are pieces I made this weekend.  It was so fun!

This piece has a spiculum center and a spiral base.

Leaves with a trumpet center form fit together.

The lone leaf.

  Mink bracelet.  The mink was from Andrea's grandmother's fur coat she inherited.  I will think of that every time I wear this. 

It was a great weekend.  I learned a totally new skill.  I met astounding and inspirational people.  I learned more about myself.  I was fearless.  What more could I ask for?

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