Friday, May 10, 2013

Hospital stay

I was starving by breakfast.  I hadn’t eaten since Wednesday night, just IV’s.  My nurse last night was really good.  She checked on me often, emptied the drains coming out from under my arms, emptied my catheter, etc…  She said she had one aunt that opted not to have surgery or chemo and went Holistic and herbs.  She died.  She said she had another aunt that had surgery and chemo and has a couple of kids and is alive and well.  I think we should use all of the medical advances we have available to us and then we can supplement them with meditation, herbs, etc…  The Lord has made it possible for the advances we have and I think we need to do all we can do and not waste those amazing resources he has made available to us.

Dr. Smith came in and asked if I was feeling relieved and less stress because of the double mastectomy.  I just answered with a simple straightforward “Yes”.  He said they had to remove the entire biopsy area and the tumor appeared to be 4.5 cm.  He said the margins were clear and the Sentinel Node came up negative but we should know for sure in a few days.  He said I can go home today if I want to or if I am not doing well I can stay another night.  I think I’m about ready to go.

Ray came up after the apartment inspection.  He was there looking bored for a while so I suggested he go up to Rexburg and visit with Rachel and play with Braxton.  Terrance was working on a class at home so Rachel, Ray, and Braxton went swimming, for a walk in the stroller, and probably other things.  He got back to the hospital around 4:30.  It sounded like they had a great time.

The nurse came in and showed me how to “milk” the tubes for the drains under my arms.  I can take my dressings off tomorrow and I can shower if I want.  I was released from the hospital after dinner, about 6pm.  We had to pay for the whole day so I decided I’d might as well eat all of the meals I had paid for.  We went to mom and dad’s house.  Dad has cleaned out the “red” room where I slept when I was little.  I’m so grateful for the work he did on my behalf.  I think I just went to bed once we got there.

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