Thursday, May 9, 2013


Today is surgery day.  I’m not really that concerned about having my entire chest removed.  I’m more relieved than anything that I have that option.  I checked in at 9:30 am and they got me into a gown and we started filling out paperwork.  Ray headed back down to Pocatello so he could clean the apartment at ISU while I was in pre-op, surgery, and post-op.  The billing lady came in and said if wanted a discount from $3000 to $2400 for our portion of the hospital bill we had to pay today.  Ray had just taken my purse, at their recommendation. I hurried and called him and to come back in to make payment to hospital so we could get the discount. $600 is a lot of money!  Luckily he hadn’t gotten very far. 

First, at 10 am, I went to get radioactive isotopes injected in my right breast so they could map the Sentinel Note.  It stung for a few seconds after each of the 5 injections.  The images were really amazing. Dots and lines where the isotopes were moving toward the Sentinel Node.  The tech “drew” around my upper body outline with a radiated stick or something so in surgery they could identify where everything was located.

The nurses took me to Holding.  I was only there about ½ hour listening to the nurses at the nursing station. They were talking about Relief Society arms and that you can have Relief Society legs, on the back of your thighs, as well.  It was very entertaining. 

I was in the operating room by 1pm and remember them putting my arms on some supports and that was that.  The next thing I vaguely remember was recovery and that there was a BYUI student nurse working there.  Then I’m in a room and Ray is coming up the hall.  I was SO tired.  Within a few minutes Lori, Stephanie, Kylie, Crystal, Olivia, and I think Mikayla had stopped to visit and bring flowers.  I don’t remember much of the conversation since I was still coming out of anesthesia.  

Rachel, Terrance, and Braxton came later (I had forgotten until Rachel mentioned it and then all of those wonderful memories came back to me).  Braxton was a little wary to come into the hospital room because he had RSV and had to stay for a week in the hospital in Rexburg.  It was so fun to see them and get to play with Braxton for a little while.  He is so good and adapts to situations so well. 

Double mastectomy complete.  Very complete.  I haven’t been this flat since 3rd grade.  I started wearing a bra in fourth grade so that is going to be very different.


  1. Crystal, Olivia were there too. Terrance, me and Braxton came later.

    1. That's right. I was so out of it that I didn't remember until you said that. I'll edit it into the post because I can't leave the best part of my day out of it.
